Bringing the best of tech, news, and tools for all traders & investors

Get to know Limex by Lime Fintech


What is Limex?

Simply put? А fintech firm. Developed on the foundation of technology serving large hedge funds for over 20 years, today Lime develops new ways to empower traders and investors.
Monthly Active Users of our social community
APIs for all scales of trading strategies
product verticals for all
traders & investors


Get to know our products

From investment vehicles and trading tech, to analysis tools and trading terminals we are the one-stop-shop for the next gen of finance


Accelerating tech start ups' speed to market

Providing tech start ups access to capital, mentorship, infrastructure, and networking. Limex is always on the lookout to cultivate new partnerships, products, and talent from the ground up
Our latest accelerator members

Team & Careers

Get to know the faces behind Limex

We're always on the hunt for new talent to bring new, competitive tools to market
If you love tech, NFTs, crypto, the Metaverse, or just like to geek out and make things work – we’re looking for you!
Your future starts here
Join us as we build the future of fintech